Every Local Association of REALTORS® depends on a committee structure for long term planning, policy setting, decision making, and some aspects of day to day operations. Members are asked to please consider serving on a committee. A description of the Tuolumne County Association of REALTORS® Committee Structure is provided below. Application for service takes place in late summer each year, contact the TCAR Office for details on how to apply for a committee. Thank you!
The Tuolumne County Association of REALTORS® maintains the following committees:
Chair: Tatum Estes
Plans and provides education seminars for membership’s Educational needs. Responsible for holding REALTOR® Discussion Groups, Brown Bag Education Classes and other education as needed. Standing Committee. Members serve one-year term.
Co-Chairs: Danelle Rodgers & Delaney Rodgers
Responsible for fundraiser activities for Scholarships, Interfaith, and Habitat for Humanity, etc., as well as Association social events such as annual MLS breakfast and Board Installation, periodic network/mixer nights, etc. Special Committee. Members serve one-year term. Meets when/where needed.
Chair: Avery Bryant
YPN helps young real estate professionals (all members/young at heart) excel in their careers by giving them the tools and encouragement to become involved in four core areas: • REALTOR® associations. Attend REALTOR® conferences and pursue leadership roles with local, state, and national association. • Real estate industry. Take an active role in policy discussions and advocacy issues; be informed about the latest industry news and trends. • Peers. Network and learn from one another by attending events, participating in online communication, and seeking mentoring opportunities. • Community. Become exceptional members of the community by demonstrating a high level of REALTOR® professionalism and volunteering for causes they feel passionate about. Members of YPN will formulate events/mixers & will work with Public Relations, Education & Special Events. Members will serve a one-year term.
Chair: Betsy Hurst
Promotes the term REALTOR® and works to improve the image of the Tuolumne County Association of REALTORS® and its members. Standing committee. Members serve one-year term. Meets when/where needed.
Chair: Alison Daniels
The Local Candidate Recommendation Committee (LCRC) is responsible for local government issues and candidates, recommendations for endorsement, support, etc. Special Committee. Members serve one-year term. Meets when/where needed.
Chair: Brad Vondrak
The Local Government Relations (LGR) Committee is responsible for staying informed on local political issues. Meets regularly with the Board of Supervisors to establish and maintain good working relations. Members rotate attendance at Board of Supervisors and other county meetings and reports back to the membership. Brings candidates to be heard by membership. Stays on top of and reports to membership on statewide legislative issues. Standing Committee (“REALTORS® Active in Politics”). Members serve one-year term. Meets on the second Wednesday of the month, Umpqua bank downtown Sonora.
Chair: Jody Federigi
Responsible for recommending policy changes to the Board of Directors and enforcing the MLS Rules and Regulations, and Policies to the membership. Investigates current and future MLS vendor and lockbox services. All members must be T.C.A.R. members and Participants or Subscribers in the MLS. Standing Committee. Members serve one-year term. Committee is chosen from volunteers by chairperson, confirmed by Board of Directors.
Chair: Alison Daniels
The steering committee for the Association. Meets when/where necessary. Standing Committee. Association Executive Committee: President, President-Elect, Past President and Treasurer. Meets when/where needed.
Chair: Alison Daniels
The steering committee for the Association. Meets when/where necessary. Standing Committee. Association Executive Committee: President, President-Elect, Past President and Treasurer. Meets when/where needed.
Chair: Val Ogletree
The Grievance committee investigates all written ethics complaints received by the Association Office to determine whether it warrants consideration by a Hearing Panel of the Professional Standards Committee. May refer to a Board Mediator, if applicable. MUST attend C.A.R. Professional Standards Training Session every two years serve on this committee (paid for by the Association). Stays current on changes in the Code of Ethics and works with the Professional Standards Committee in keeping the membership informed on ethics. Standing Committee. Must serve on this Committee before applying for the Professional Standards Committee. Members serve three-year term. Meets when/where needed. Note: It is recommended that agents have several years of experience in the business before applying to serve on this committee. Prerequisite: Current C.A.R Professional Standards Training/Certification is required.
Chair: Erik Segerstrom
The Professional Standards committee holds formal hearings when an Arbitration complaint is filed; also holds formal hearings when recommended by the Grievance Committee involving alleged ethical and MLS Rules & Regulations violations. Sits on a hearing Panel when requested. Recommends to the Board of Directors policies in the areas of Ethics and Arbitration. Works with the Grievance Committee in keeping the membership informed on Ethics and Standards of Practice. MUST attend C.A.R. Professional Standards Training Sessions (paid for by the Association) to be on this committee. Stays current on all Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice changes. The Chairperson speaks at the new Members Orientation Program. Standing Committee. Members serve three-year term. Prerequisite: Previous service for 3 or more years on the Grievance Committee. Current C.A.R. Professional Standards Training/Certification is required.
Section 1. Standing Committees. The President shall appoint from among T.C.A.R. members, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, the following standing committees:
- Education
- Long Range Planning
- Professional Standards / Grievance
- Multiple Listing Service
- REALTORS® Active in Politics
- Budget & Finance
- Public Relations
Section 2. Special Committees. The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 3. Term of Committee Appointments. Committee members shall be appointed to one year terms except that the members of the Grievance, Long Range Planning and Professional
Standards committees shall be appointed to staggered three-year terms.
Section 4. Organization. All committees shall be of such size and shall have duties, functions and powers as assigned by the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
Section 5. President. The President shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all standing committees and shall be notified of their meetings.
Section 6. Removal. The President shall have the power, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, to remove any member from a committee.